Provincial and territorial student aid offices
Provinces and student aid offices are listed on the Canada.ca website as the Federal Canada Student Financial Assistance Program page, Apply with your province or territory. Please scroll down to locate the province or territory where you reside.
The Foundation BursariesIt is not easy to create time and space in a busy life for specialized education. CASC/ACSS knows how challenging it an be to undertake Supervised Psychospiritual Education. There are impacts on finances, emotions and relationships when taking a course of studies in Clinical Psychospiritual Education (CPE) or Psychospiritual Therapy Education (PTE). CASC/ACSS hopes to lessen part of this burden by providing financial assistance to qualifying students.
The Canadian Foundation for Spiritual Care/Fondation canadienne de soins spirituels (CFSC/FCSS), also known as The Foundation, provides bursaries for those taking either stream of education. Visit The Foundation page to learn more. |
Regional BursariesIndividual Regions of CASC/ACSS often offer their own bursaries and financial assistance to students seeking support. Please check with your region about student bursaries available. You can reach out to the chair of the region or reach out to [email protected]
Canadian Association for Spiritual Care / Association canadienne de soins spirituels.
All Rights Reserved. 12-16715 Yonge St, Suite 315, Newmarket, ON L3X 1X4 Within Canada: 289-837-2272 (289-837-CASC) North America: 866-442-2773 | [email protected] Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Site Map |
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