Spiritual Health Awareness Week 2024
"Breaking the Myths"
Myths About Who We Serve
mythSpiritual Care and Psychospiritual Therapy is only for religious people.
Spiritual Care and Psychospiritual Therapy is only for christians.
Spiritual Care and Psychospiritual Therapy is homophobic and transphobic.
Spiritual Care Providers can't support atheists.
Spiritual Care is only for people who are dying or very ill.
REALITYSpiritual Care and Psychospiritual Therapy provides support to everyone, from the deeply religious to the atheists
Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psychospiritual Therapists offer support to any and all religious and spiritual groups.
Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psychospiritual Therapists are leaders in helping make spiritual health more inclusive for everyone, celebrating diversity!
Spiritual Care is a holistic approach to care attending to the body, emotions, mind and spirit, and can be offered in a non-religious way.
People can experience physical, mental, emotional social and spiritual distress at any stage of life and benefit from the healing impact of spiritual care and psychospiritual therapy.
Myths About Who We Are
Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psychospiritual Therapists are Christians.
My Spiritual Care Provider or Psychospiritual Therapist has to look like me and speak like me.
Psychospiritual therapy is another form of spiritual direction.
A Spiritual Care Practitioner will try to convert me.
Spiritual Care Practitioners only work in hospitals
Spiritual Care Practitioners only work with patients. Spiritual Care and Psychospiritual Therapy is not based on evidence or professional practice.
Spiritual Care is just an extra that doesn’t really matter.
Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psychospiritual Therapist bring a rich background of faith, culture and belief to their work, including but not limited to Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sihk, spiritual-but-not religious and more.
Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psychospiritual Therapists undergo rigorous training to support clients from diverse spiritual/cultural backgrounds, including those different from their own.
Psychospiritual Therapists are mental health professionals that support clients' strengths and struggles in all four dimensions of their life: BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL-SPIRITUAL.
Spiritual Care is about connection, not conversion. It is against the CASC/ACSS Code of Ethics to attempt to convert someone. Patients, clients, families, and staff select the topics of discussion and are invited to journey together, meeting each other wherever they are in their personal paths.
Spiritual Care Practitioners are valued team members in diverse settings including health care, education, corrections, the military, community services and more!
SCPs are critical members of an interdisciplinary care team, attending to the bio-psycho-social-spiritual needs of clients, patients, families, and staff.
Spiritual Care and Psychospiritual Therapy integrates evidence-based methods to support physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.
Spiritual Care provides essential psychospiritual and emotional support, crucial to palliative care, crisis care and more. |